
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bout of Books 12: Progress - Day 5

So, this is going to be the shortest update post ever because I didn't read at all yesterday.  Yea...

I tried, believe me.  But I had a meeting, and then I had my niece and nephew, and then even more company came.  The whole thing turned into an impromptu pizza/game/movie night.  Reading was just out of the question.

And I am totally fine with that.  I had a great time with my family, and that's much more important.

So, no pages, no challenges, no blogs.  Nada.

How did day five go for everyone else?


  1. Day 5 was my good day. I read a lot and feel good about that. I've had some slow days this week though. It's amazing what can get in the way when you need to read!

  2. I got some reading done on Day 5. My day 6 is not looking so good right now.
