
Monday, March 9, 2015

25 Random Facts About Me

I love reading book blogs and watching BookTube, but I also really appreciate getting to know the person I'm subscribed to beyond their bookshelves.  It makes me feel more connected and makes them seem more whole.  

So, with that in mind, I want to do something a little different and a little more personal for today's post.  Though a few details about me have leaked into some of my writings, I have yet to write a non-book related post.  Therefore, I'd like to further introduce myself by giving you twenty-five random facts about me.  

I hope that you enjoy this change of pace.

  1. I was born and raised in California, but I moved to Guam five years ago.
  2. I became a Christian at the age of 12, but I didn't act like one until I was 21.  
  3. I have a younger sister (23) and an older sister (34).  Yes, I am a middle child, but I do not suffer from the middle child complex.
  4. I am half Filipino, a quarter black, and a quarter caucasian.  
  5. I grew up in a tiny desert town in Southern California, and I was one of the only minorities in my school system.
  6. I was in drumline and choir in high school, and I also had a ska band and a metal band.  
  7. I studied western philosophy, psychology, and East Asian studies at university, but I still haven't finished my degree.
  8. I have suffered from chronic migraines and depression since I was twelve.
  9. I have been married for five years.
  10. My husband and I have one son, Damon Riley, whom we lost before birth.
  11. My personality is quite obsessive, but I also have a short attention span, so my interests are rapidly changing.
  12. One unchanging obsession is Asian culture, though what country is always changing.
  13. I really love foreign food and most often dislike American fare.  
  14. Tea is the absolute best drink known to man, especially earl grey. 
  15. Cooking is a beloved hobby of mine, but I get bored easily, so I am always learning new dishes.
  16. My husband and I sponsor a child in the Philippines through Compassion International, and it is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.
  17. I have had the same pen pal for almost twenty years, and we have only met one time.
  18. I started practicing calligraphy as a teenager because Barnes and Noble had a starter set, and I thought it would be romantic to write with a quill. 
  19. My favorite band is Tenth Avenue North.
  20. "The Flower Duet" makes me cry every single time.
  21. I am pretty nerdy and love things like Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Star Trek.  I used to play D&D, too.  
  22. My life verses are:
    - "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28, NKJV).
    - "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him" (Job 13:15, NKJV). 
  23. I have nomadic blood and often get restless for travel.  My dream is to tour Asia.
  24. It's only in the last three years that I've really learned how to be friends with a person who isn't my husband or relative.  I'm an introvert, though, so it's an effort sometimes.
  25. I am basically nocturnal.  I am most active after the sun goes down, not sleeping until dawn, and then I don't wake up until the afternoon.  My friends think I am a vampire.
Those are 25 facts about me.  It isn't much, but I hope you feel that you know me a little better.  What are some random facts about you?  Please tell me in the comments.

Also, find me on TwitterGoodreadsInstagram, and Bloglovin.

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Great learning more about you. I may do this some time in the future!
