
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon TBR

Dewey's Read-a-Thon starts in about 30 minutes, and I'm really excited for it. Though I had signed up, I didn't think I would be able to participate. Thankfully, however, my time zone has me reading through the night, so it won't interfere with my day activities too badly.

I don't normally do TBR lists, but I have found that such a short read-a-thon demands organization to maximize reading time. Therefore, I have put together a list to pull from.

First on my list is to finish Brandon Sanderson's The Hero of Ages, which I'm reading with #YearofCosmere. I'm about halfway done, and I need to finish it before the end of April. I'm loving it, but I haven't felt very motivated to read in general, so I'm going to try to finish it.

I also have The Time Traveler's Almanac, which is a collection of short stories about time travel by various authors. There are stories by authors I already know I like, such as George R.R. Martin, Douglas Adams, and Ursula K. Le Guin, as well as by authors  I have never read. I'm going to use this book as a warm-up and for reading breaks.

Cinder, by Marissa Meyers, has been on my shelf for quite some time, so I hope to start and possibly finish it. I'm very behind on this series, so I look forward to finally picking it up.

Lastly, I will have Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on hand in the event that nothing else appeals to me.  I've been in a bit of a slump, but Harry Potter I can always read.

Those are the books I'm reading for Dewey's. Are you participating? Tell me your TBR in the comments. 

Find me on Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram, and Bloglovin.

Happy reading!


  1. This looks like a fabulous TBR!! I'm starting off with Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight, and am hoping to get to Tampa by Alissa Nutting and Joyland by Stephen King! Best of luck and happy reading!! :D

  2. Oh, I love Stephen King! I haven't yet read Joyland, though.
