
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Books I Read in One Sitting

To learn more about Top 5 Wednesday and see a full list of participants, see the Goodreads group.
This week's Top 5 Wednesday topic is Books You Read in One Sitting.  When I have free time, I often read books all in one go, staying up all night reading while my family sleeps.  I can't remember all of the ones I have done so with; therefore, except for first place, this list is made up of the last five I know I truly enjoyed. (I'm not including comic books in this, though, because it's in their nature to be read in one sitting.)

Number Five

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

This was my first Rowell book, and I absolutely devoured it.  I was drawn in by Park much more than Eleanor, but by the end I wanted to see how her life ended up.  

Number Four

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

I have read the first three books in The Mortal Instruments series, and I've finished each of them in about one sitting.  They are relatively short and fast-paced, so it is easy to fly right through them. I have done reviews for City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass if you want to read them.

Number Three

A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers

I read this 500+ page novel in one very long night while Typhoon Dolphin hit my island.  It is definitely one of my favorite books of the year, and you can see my full review here.

Number Two

The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson

I just read this a few nights ago, and, in classic Sanderson style, it completely captivated me.  Middlegrade is not a genre I often love, but this was excellent.

Number One

The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

I read every one of these seven books in one sitting, and the latter four I read non-stop the morning they were released.  When a Harry Potter book was released, all of my normal activities (i.e. dressing, eating, drinking, sleeping, socializing) would cease, and I wouldn't put the book down until the last page was read.  

These are my top 5 books (or series) that I read in one go.  What books couldn't you put down?  Tell me in the comments below.

Be sure to check out my latest post, The Coffee Book Tag.

You can also find me on Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram, and Bloglovin.

Happy reading!


  1. I LOVE re-reading the Harry Potter books! It's so easy to just sit down for hours and hours and just lose yourself in them! Eleanor and Park is also one of my favourites, except I was too emotionally traumatised throughout to read it in one sitting, haha!

    1. The best thing about HP rereads is that there is always something new to discover.

  2. Oh yes! Harry Potter books are a must. I hope I'll enjoy Eleanor & Park as much when I get to it.

    1. Fangirl is my favorite Rowell book, but it doesn't have quite the urgency that Eleanor and Park has, so I was able to put it down.

  3. You're so right about the Harry Potter books. I read the last three books when they came out in one sitting just to avoid spoilers!

    I'm glad to see the Mortal Instruments books on your list too! I see so many people say they struggled to get through City of Bones because it was boring, but I found it so quick to read when I first read it!

    1. I read a lot of slowly-paced, character driven books, so I have a high tolerance for "boredom". Honestly, though, I haven't found any of the Mortal Instruments boring because there is always something happening.

  4. Some of the Harry Potter books are massive! You must be a fast reader to finish one in a day.

    1. I am a fairly quick reader, but I was also desperate for the books. Since I was reading them as they were published, I had to wait a year or more to continue the story. At the time, all my friends and I read them in a day or two because we had spent the past year in book withdrawal.

  5. City of Bones and Eleanor and Park are some of my favourites but I didn't read them in on sitting.
    Here's my list:

  6. HP books in one sitting? You read really fast, right? I know... it's one sitting for each book, but it's still a lot of reading nevertheless. Never heard of The Rithmatist, but I'll look forward to it.

    1. If you have never read any Sanderson and are even remotely interested in fantasy, I would start with the Mistborn Trilogy. It's mind-blowing.

    2. Thank for the tip. I'll check it you

  7. Hi Crystal - Wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a blogger award. (It's basically a tag, as I just learned - it's not spam, I swear LOL) Here's a link to the post so you can join in if you'd like: 

  8. Aaah! I've been seeing Brandon Sanderson's books everywhere! I honestly haven't read any of his books yet but I've been meaning to start with the Mistborn series! :)

    1. The Mistborn series is a great place to start.
