
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bout of Books 12: Progress - Day 2

Can I just say that figuring out the timing of these blog posts is kind of confusing?  Most people are just starting their day 3 while I am ending mine.  Confusing!

Anyway, let's talk about my progress for Tuesday, day 2 of Bout of Books.

On Monday I finished the first book in The Mortal Instruments series (you can check out the review here), so yesterday I went straight into City of Ashes, the second in the series by Cassandra Clare.  Even though I liked it less than the first one, I still managed to finish it, making it the second book finished this week.  Woot woot!

I also continued reading Bram Stoker's Dracula since my goal is to finish it.  It's difficult to just sit and read through for hours at a time, so I'm trying to be disciplined in mixing it in with the easier books I'm reading.

There was only one challenge, which I completed.  It was hosted by Trees of Reverie, and it was the Top 10 Recommendations challenge.  I really enjoyed putting my list together, and I tried to pull from different genres and age ranges.  Be sure to check my list out!

I also found a blog that I like.  It's by Laura over at Laura Plus Books.  She doesn't read the same types of books that I normally read, but her blog is so well put together, and she has a lot of YA reviews.  So, if you like to read YA, you should definitely check out her blog.

Ok, let's break down the numbers:

Pages read: 485 (1003 so far)
Books finished: 1 (2 so far)
Hours spent reading: 6.5 (14 total)
Challenges completed: 1
Blogs/Channels Subscribed to: 1

I am totally good with these numbers, especially since I anticipate them slowing down as I am going to be spending time with my niece and nephew for the next couple of days.

How was your second day?  Tell me all about it in the comments below.

Happy reading!

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