
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Authors I Would Like to Meet

Top 5 Wednesday was created by booktuber gingerreadslainey.  If you want to join in on the fun, check out the Goodreads group.

Today's topic is the Top 5 Authors I Would Like to Meet.

I found this a difficult list to make.  While I certainly have my favorite authors, I'm not one to celebratize them.  Also, I've found that some authors whose books I love have less than lovely personalities.  Likewise, there are some writers I think I would enjoy having a good chat with whose books consistently fail to rank above 3 stars.

These are the few authors that I would like to meet for various reasons.

Number Five

Elizabeth George

Elizabeth George is a Christian non-fiction writer who has written multiple books and study guides for women about Christian living.  My favorite of hers so far is A Woman After God's Own Heart.  It's relatable and has so much good information.

When I say I would like to meet her, I mostly would like to hear her teach.  She has so much wisdom to glean from.

Number Four

J.K. Rowling

A lot of us who grew up while the Harry Potter series was being written have a special place in our hearts for J.K. Rowling.  She was the first author that I truly followed and started collecting, and I still collect her works.  Her writing is flawless.

If I met her, I don't know what we'd talk about.  I would probably say the same thing that dozens of others have said - how much Harry Potter means to me, how I grew up with it, asking my questions, beg her for more.  But just to thank her for being such an integral part of my childhood is reason enough to want to meet her.

Number Three

Anaïs Nin

I must confess that I've never read any of Anaïs Nin's writing other than her journals.  However, she enthralls me.  Her life is completely mystifying and intriguing to me, and I would have loved to have met her just to see what she was like in real life.

Number Two

Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Rowell is the one person on my list who I feel like I could just be friends with.  I just want to grab a tea with her and maybe go get pedicures.  Have you seen her Twitter?  She's hilarious and quirky.  I feel like she's the author on this list I could have a good cry with.

I've also done a full author spotlight post on all of Rowell's works so far, so please go check that out.

Number One

Stephen King

Stephen King was the first writer who really wowed me and opened my eyes to what a writer could do. He doesn't just tell amazing stories with remarkable characters, but he does it in a way that is so artistic and impressive. When I first started reading him at 13-years old, I felt like I finally understood what language was for. The Green Mile is the book (though I read it in serial form) that inspired me to start writing.

Though I'd like to meet him, I'd simultaneously be terrified and intimidated. I would really just like to sit in a lecture taught by him, whether it be on writing or just life.

If you haven't read anything by him, please do. Not all of his books are amazing (he has over 50), but quite a few of them are genius.

Anyway, those are the five authors I would most like to meet, if not necessarily talk to.  Who would you love the chance to meet?  Tell me in the comments below or link me to your T5W post/video.

Happy reading!


  1. Stephen King was my #1 pick as well. Your list is great...mine looks more like a Halloween Party invitation.

  2. I have yet to read one of Rainbow Rowell's books, but I agree that she just seems so likable! Eleanor & Park is sitting on my bookshelf, begging to be read!

    Great list Crystal! Here's to Top 5 Wednesdays.

    Much love.

    Beverly Bean
