
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Series I Want to Start

There are many well-loved series out there that I haven't started.  This is mostly because I am very picky with the ones that I start.

Series require much more commitment than stand-alones.  One I've read the first book, I feel obligated to read the rest.  Even if I didn't particularly like the first one, I always have this hope that the next one will be better and make up for it.  I have a very difficult time giving up on a series, especially if it's only a trilogy.

Another reason why I am hesitant when it comes to series is that the book market is inundated with them these days.  It seems that stand-alones have lost some popularity in the readers' desire for more of their beloved characters.  I, however, am sick of this.  

There are some series that would have been much better as stand-alones.  It also makes me wonder if the authors are truly making decisions on artistic merit or if they are just trying to cash in on the latest trend.  And finally, I just find the amount of series overwhelming.  How am I to choose?

However, there are some series that I am interested in starting because their basic premises, authors, or genres interest me, and their reviews are solid.  I am not sure when I will read them or if I will even read them this year, but these are the ones that are on my radar.  

These are in no particular order.

Number Five

The Grisha Trilogy

Leigh Bardugo's trilogy has received so much positive attention ever since Shadow and Bone came out in 2012.  I tend to take YA reviews with a grain of salt, though, because I am older and tend to want different things in my books.  However, I am also very interested in the premise of this series.  I like fantasy books with magic and wars, and I am hoping that I will like this one.

Number Four

The Cormoron Strike Series

These are by J.K. Rowling, and I will read anything she writes.  The only reason I haven't yet is because I haven't been in the mood for a detective novel.

Number Three

The Wicked + the Divine comic series

The art alone is enough to make me want to read this series.  They are absolutely gorgeous.  But I am also really intrigued by the whole premise.  If you don't know what the series is about, here is the synopsis from Goodreads:

Every 90 years or so, twelve gods incarnate in the bodies of the young. They are charismatic and brilliant. They stand before crowds, speak in tongues, and send them into rapture. They’re rumored to perform secretive miracles. They save people’s lives, either metaphorically or literally.

They are loved. They are hated. They are brilliant.

Within two years, they’re dead.

That sounds brilliant.

Number Two

The Mistborn Trilogy

I have yet to read a Brandon Sanderson book, but I have only ever heard amazing things about his writing, so I thought this would be a good way to introduce myself to his books.  I honestly don't know much about the story, but people I really trust have highly recommended it to me, so I'm going with it.

Number One

The Bone Season series

This series scares me because I know that it's supposed to include seven books.  That is very intimidating.  However, I am very interested in the idea of dreamwalkers, and I am excited to see if Samantha Shannon can create a dystopian world that is unique in an age where dystopians are a dime a dozen.

So those are my top 5 to be read series.  What series do you want to start this year?

As always, if you are interested in joining in on top 5 Wednesday, please check out the Goodreads group.  

Happy reading!


  1. Totally with you about the stress of deciding which series to start — they're such a commitment!

    I started reading Shadow and Bone last year, but I didn't get very far in it (it was me not having the time to read it issue, not anything against the book itself). I'm looking forward to picking it up again when I have a bit more time on my hands. Happy reading!

  2. Oh, I totally forgot about The Bone Season. I grabbed that really cheap in the last Book Outlet sale. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. I started the Mistborn Trilogy last year and it is Awesome! I definitely want to finish it this year. I am unsure if I want to read The Bone Season or not. A lot of people rave about it, but I don't really know if it my kind of thing. I think that one will be a case of downloading a sample onto my kindle to see if I like it before making the investment :)

  4. I currently collect and read the single issues of The Wicked + The Divine. It really is a fantastic comic. The art is flawless, and Kieron Gillen does a fantastic job at driving the story along, by building on the individual characters and plot/setting. It's been excellent so far.

    I've been wanting to read The Cuckoo's Calling, but every time I grab it from the library, I end up returning it unread. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon.

    The Bone Season series sounds interesting, but I've been a bit on the fence about it. I'll probably let a few more books from that series come out before I try it. I have trouble remembering earlier books when waiting for series to finish.

    Hope you enjoy all of the series though!
