
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Bookish Habits

This week's Top 5 Wednesday topic is bookish habits.

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey, from gingerreadslainey, and it's a weekly meme where bloggers and vloggers can list their top 5 picks for that week's topic.  If you want to join in on the fun, please check out the Goodreads group.

I don't have too many bookish habits as I am not really a creature of habit.  However, there are a few things that I find myself often doing, so let's get into them, yes?

Number Five

Prepping book spines

I always prep the spine of the new books I buy.  I really don't like cracking the spine, neither the way it looks nor how it makes the binding loose faster.  Therefore, I either prep every shipment when it comes in or each book as I pick it up. 

Number Four

Bookstore browsing

Most of my books I buy online.  The bookstores on Guam are both poorly stocked and expensive, so it's very seldom that I will purchase from them.  However, this doesn't stop me from going in and browsing every time I pass by.  
My husband often ponders why I have to go in even when I know I'm not going to buy anything.  Yet, I can't dampen the impulse.  I love bookstores too much.

Number Three

Reading through the night

The majority of my reading is done during the night.  I have unusual sleeping patterns, as well as no downtime during the day, so I am usually unable to pick up leisure reading until after dinner.  I regularly read through the night, until around 4 am.  Staying up all night reading is never a triumph for me.

Number Two

Talking about every book I read (with people who haven't read it)

I think that most avid readers do this, and I do this to my husband all the time.  I will be reading a book that he hasn't read and has no intention of reading, and yet will discuss everything with him.  This mostly happens when I am really affected by it.  

I just want to be able to share my feelings with someone, but since no one around me has read the book, I just talk to whomever is around me at the time.  

Number One

Comparing the book to the movie

Some people argue against doing this.  "They are two different art forms." "The book wouldn't work as a film without those changes."  "They had to make all of those cuts; otherwise, the movie would be five hours long."  My response?  I will watch the five-hour long movie.

When I love a book, it becomes personal to me.  I can remember how it made me feel, what point of life I was in, how it affected me.  So, when a movie comes out that alters or removes portions of a story that I love, it feels like a betrayal.  I know that it's not personal, but I feel as if it is.

I understand that we're talking about two different story-telling mediums, and I appreciate it when a scriptwriter is discerning enough to keep the heart and main plot of a book while slimming it down.  But when themes, characters, important events, messages, etc are manipulated or removed, I get so angry.  

They make movies from books (especially popular books) knowing that there is a fanbase out there.  So why betray the fans and the original content?  I don't get it.  You don't add makeup to the Mona Lisa to make her more attractive.  

These are my top 5 bookish habits.  Can you relate to any of them?  What are some things you routinely do?  Tell me in the comments below.

Also, find me on TwitterGoodreadsInstagram, and Bloglovin.

Happy reading!


  1. I totally agree with your thoughts on book to movie adaptations. I would always just rather read the book most of the time.

    1. Yes, people who aren't into books don't like seeing adaptations with me. haha

  2. I love going into bookstores. I am lucky to have quite a few new and used bookstores in the city where I live. I tend to spend most of my weekends hiding out in a bookstore and taking my purchases to a cafe close by. I really do like to support the small family owned bookstores around here. However, I have recently been making a lot of book purchases online. It is so convenient and I love receiving packages in the mail.

    Great list. Thanks for sharing!
    Mary @ Logophilist

    1. There was one really cool used bookstore here, but it closed the year I moved here. People on-island don't read.

  3. Hi! I share almost all of your bookish habits - I'm constantly talking to my boyfriend about the book I'm reading even when he will never pick it up himself. And movie adaptations, yes! I so agree...there are very few that have managed to match or exceed what I pictured in my head...Harry Potter is obviously pretty high up there but I thought the Hunger Games was done well too! And Lord of the Rings...well that's my favourite adaptation but I know some people don't agree!

    Nice list!

    1. I like the Harry Potter films, but they left so much out. I love the Lord of the Rings films, though they changed quite a few things, especially in the Hobbit.

  4. I always compare books and movies! lol I refuse to watch a movie w/o reading a book. Thats probably in my top 5, haha. I also find myself trying to find anyone to talk to about a book I just finished :) I'll tell anyone who will listen.

    1. I love that glazed over look that some people get like, "Here she goes again, talking about books." haha

  5. I definitely agree with you on talking about the book I've just read with everyone around me, I'm very guilty of that!

    And I always compare books to movies even when I know I shouldn't; you're so right, books just become really personal and the film just isn't.

    This list is great!

    1. Thank you!

      It's also always difficult for me to talk to people who have only seen the film and love it but haven't read the book.
